Thursday, June 04, 2009

LaCroix Says You're Fired

I have a quest to have the mic in my hand
Without that, it's like Kryptonite and Superman...

People that Pierre LaCroix wanted to fire yesterday but for one reason or another couldn't pull the trigger:
-Renaldo Balkman- I know those long hairs in the fruit and jello salad from the Pepsi Center cafeteria are from him!
-Peter Budaj- I never liked that damn dangling 'J' at the end of your name. That and your average goaltending just rubs me the wrong way.
-Stan Kroenke- He likes soccer, now he is all into his precious basketball team. How about a corner kick in the balls, Stan? Oh wait, he signs my checks, damn!
-Joe Sakic- Improper snow blower saftey and use really chaps my hide!
-Peter Forsberg- Globetrotting around the world, banging hot chicks, playing hockey whenever he feels like it. I hate people without spleens!
-Pepsi Center Concessions- A glass of red wine for $9? That is a glass? Where I come from that is called a Dixie Cup.
-Ben Guite- You lead the team in plus/minus at two. Two?! And your name is Ben Guite? Is that the French Ben-Gay?
-Jim Tracy- Ah hell, just fire every lackey that comes through that crap organization over on 20th and Blake.
-Commish CH- Two weeks in and no beer count? You freaking deadbeat.
