Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Buffs Awesome Baby!

And use the mic as my accomplice...

Dick Vitale made the trek up to The Republic yesterday and had tremendous things to say about the beautiful campus, the new hoops facility, new football coach Jon Embree, and Boulder in general. Following Dickie V on Twitter is fun especially when you read the tweets in his own patented voice. But a few tweets from Dickie V's trip to Boulder didn't make it on the feed, and SG found those:

-Whoa, just saw the most talent in Boulder out here on the ultimate frisbee field. They're awesome baby!

-Scratch that, these hackey sack kids are PTP'ers! Dipsy doo, kick the sack a roo!

-Six footer! I'm not talking basketball size, but a six foot bong, baby!!!

-I just found last year's tourney invite, someone had stuffed it in the towel dispenser in the bathroom. Uh-oh baby!

-Dan Hawkins, MIA baby. No sign of him anywhere. It's awesome baby!

-A ton of couches on the porches here... I smell burning furniture. Dipsy doo!

-Pearl Street Mall ... I just got some PT in a drum circle!

RELATED: GZA/Genius - "Breaker, Breaker" - ("Glide like the frisbee...")



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